7 palabras escalofriantes para usar este Halloween

Halloween y su propio vocabulario

Aprende un poco de vocabulario nuevo para prepararte para la fiesta de Halloween de’esta año! Sabías que Halloween, en alguna de sus modalidades, hace miles de años que se celebra, pero que disfrazarse se puso de moda a finales de la 1800 s? Recientemente, el hecho de celebrar grandes fiestas por Halloween se ha extendido entre la mayoría de países de habla inglesa. Por qué noexperimentarlo tu mismo? Empieza a pensar en el Halloween del próximo año y regístrate en alguno de nuestros fantàsticos cursos de inglés!



Adjective –
Definition: eerie y que causan malestar
Example: That old house is really spooky.



Adjective –

Definition: shockingly frightful, causing great horror or fear
Example: There were a string of ghastly murders committed last year.



Verb –
Definition: to appear to frequently as a spirit or ghost
Example: The old lady you saw is a ghost who haunts the castle.



Noun –
Definition: a pumpkin hollowed out and carved into a design, typically a face, with a light put inside
Example: Tom and I make jack-o’-lanterns together for Halloween every year.



Adjective –
Definition: gruesome in a way that is related to death or violence
Example: We thought the art exhibit was very macabre.



Noun –
Definition: a gathering in which all of the participants wear masks and often costumes
Example: Were you invited to the New Year’s masquerade party?

Verb –
Definition: to pretend to be someone you are not
Example: It was like a dog masquerading as a cat!



Adjective –
Definition: of or relating to something not natural
Example: There is certainly some supernatural activity happening in this house.

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