Como pedir un aumento de sueldo en inglés


Como pedir un aumento de sueldo en inglés – How to ask for a salary increase in English

Negociar un aumento de sueldo implica revisar nuestra posición en la empresa. Se debe preparar la argumentación y la justificación del aumento….

Have you an annual performance review or salary negotiation coming up soon? If not, perhaps it’s time to book a meeting to discuss your compensation. Make sure you prepare properly for the conversation by planning exactly what you are going to say to negotiate a pay increase.

Arrange a meeting

If performance appraisal meetings aren’t usually scheduled at your workplace, write to your boss to request such a meeting. You could word this request as follows:

“I would appreciate the opportunity to meet to discuss a performance review. Could you please let me know when might be a convenient time for you?

Make your case
Outline why you deserve extra pay. Have you helped make a profit for your company? If so, this is usually the best basis for negotiating a pay rise. To make your case, highlight exactly how you have contributed. Perhaps you can claim some of the following sample contributions:

• I have brought in new customers
• I have helped improve productivity
• I have taken on extra responsibilities
• I have achieved/exceeded my budget goals
• I have successfully completed key projects for the company

Be specific
Not only should you clearly outline the reasons you deserve a higher salary, you should also request a specific amount to help guide your boss in the right direction.
Example 1: I’m looking for an increase of X kr or X %.
Example 2: I believe that an increase/ a bonus of X kr or X% would be appropriate.

Justify the amount you ask for

Once you have made your case and specified how much you are looking for, you can end your proposal with one of the following statements or something similar.

• It reflects the extra profit I have made for the company
• My proposal reflects the savings that I have made
• I think this would be fair recognition of the new accounts I have brought to the company
• I believe this is appropriate as it is in line with current pay levels for someone in my position in this business/industry.
• I have done some research and someone in my position usually earns about xxx

If you get a negative response
If your boss does not or cannot agree to your new salary proposal, try to negotiate non-salary benefits or to agree a new meeting at some point in the future. Here are some suggestions: by using some of the following suggestions.

• I understand that company finances are rather stretched at the moment. Can we discuss non-salary perks?
• Can we discuss other benefits in lieu of a pay increase?
• Is it possible to look at other forms of compensation instead?
• What can I do over the next few months to make myself eligible for an increase?
• What do I need to do to be considered/to be eligible for a pay increase?

Practise makes perfect

It pays to practise before your performance review to prepare yourself for any questions that may arise, preferably by practising with another person. Practising in advance will also make you feel more confident and increase your chances of a positive outcome.

Good luck with your salary negotiations!Bona Sort amb la negociació!
If you would like professional help with preparing for your performance review or any other form of negotiation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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